Courses in English with individual consultation
Institute of Lifelong Learning (ILL) offers to international students selected courses in English in pedagogy and technical-economic disciplines. There are courses focused e.g. on pedagogy, psychology or project management. Study is organized individually in the form of consultations, usually during one semester.
Bachelor´s degree programs (for three years) we offer in Czech language only. These bachelor´s degree programes are not available in English language at the moment.
Bachelor’s programmes in Czech
The Institute of Lifelong Learning of Mendel University in Brno offers bachelor studies in accredited study programmes of Applied Educational Studies and Teaching of Vocational Subjects and Practical Training. It is the only one at MENDELU to provide pedagogical education at the university with a tradition since 1964. The language of instruction in these degree programes is Czech.
Applied Educational Studies (Bc. degree)
The Bachelor‘s study programme Applied Educational Studies has been newly included by the ILL in its offer since 2021. It is a unique professionally-oriented study programme based on current trends in the field of adult education. Students in this accredited study programme acquire knowledge and skills in pedagogy, andragogy, psychology and other, especially socio-economic disciplines. During the study the emphasis is on preparation of practical application of modern forms of education, cooperation with companies and the inclusion of experts from practice in teaching. Graduates can find employment in the private or public sector, e.g. as managers or organizers of the training in human resources development institutions, as lecturers in companies, organizers of non-formal educational activities in schools or as consultants in the field of adult education.

Teaching of Vocational Subjects and Practical Training (Bc. degree)
The Bachelor‘s study programme Teaching of Vocational Subjects and Practical Training has been offered by the ILL since 2006. In 2020, the Bachelor‘s study programme Teaching of Vocational Subjects and Practical Training received a new accreditation. It enables students to acquire pedagogical, psychological and didactic knowledge and skills. After finishing their studies, graduates can work at secondary vocational schools as teachers of vocational subjects and practical training.