This project is co-financed by the European Social Fund and the state budget of the Czech Republic
Reg. No.: CZ.02.3.68/0.0/0.0/19_076/0016421
Project budget: 11 364 192 CZK
Project implementation period: April 1, 2020 – November 30, 2022
Project Coordinator: Petr Adamec, PhD.
Project description
Teachers are not sufficiently prepared for the teaching profession as a whole in the preparation phase. The main issue of the implemented project to deal with is the absence of specific tools for setting up a mutual respectful relationship between teachers and students (possibly also between their parents and then among teachers themselves), effective communication and prevention and management of potential conflict situations. This is solved by the British model TAPATE (Transactional Analysis Proficiency Award for Teachers and Educators).
The TAPATE model is based on a psychological approach of transactional analysis, which deals with communication between individuals. The advantage of transaction analysis is its clear intelligible language and easy applicability to real situations and everyday practice. Thanks to this, the model is accessible to teachers of various disciplines. The TAPATE model, originally from the United Kingdom, contains a total of six basic concepts that help the teacher in leading the teaching, in communicating with pupils and students, and to support their motivation.
The application of the TAPATE model consists in the implementation of a total of six educational group seminars (according to six different concepts of transaction analysis on which the model is based, with a range of four hours) and subsequent ongoing support (through individual consultations of implementation methodology in a minimum of ten hours per teacher).
The aim of the project is to transfer the good practice of the British TAPATE model through seminars and individual support for teachers and to implement action research that evaluates the effectiveness of the TAPATE model in the Czech education environment, in the areas of contracting in teaching (on the teacher-pupil level), streamlining communication and cooperation (both between teacher and student and at the level of teacher-parent and teacher-teacher), reducing communication-intensive situations and, last but not least, strengthening the constructive feedback provision.
The expected output for the involved teachers is the acquisition of tools for creating a respectful relationship, effective communication and effective solutions of difficult communication situations. It is also expected to increase the motivation of the teachers and their students, to streamline communication with the parents of the students and to strengthen the status of the teacher.