Project number: CZ.02.02.XX/00/23_019/0008409
Period: 05/2024 – 10/2027
Grant title
Operational Programme: Jan Amos Komenský
Call title: Support for the undergraduate preparation of future teachers
Call number: 02_23_019
Implementing team
Project coordinator: prof. Dr. Ing. Prof. Dr. Jan Mareš
Coordinator/manager of KA: doc. Mgr. Mgr. Petr Adamec, Ph.D., MBA
Project manager. Denisa Hasníková, Mgr. Luděk Hanák
Financial Manager. Lucie Malíková, Bc. et Bc. Martin Brandstätter, DiS.
Project annotation:
The aim of the project is to develop a competency framework for graduate teachers of vocational education and to support the academic success of students of the Teaching of practical teaching and vocational training programme implemented by the applicant (MENDELU) and the Teaching of economic subjects for secondary schools programme implemented by the project partner (VŠE) through the employment of foreign academics, cooperation and networking, training of students and HEI teachers involved in the preparation of future teachers and direct work with students to increase their academic success and eliminate drop-out.
Key activities
KA1 – Project management
KA2 – Supporting the work of faculties with the established national competency framework for graduate teachers and linking to other faculty self-evaluation activities
KA3 – Support the development/innovation of training programmes (courses) for accompanying teachers and pilot testing of these programmes
KA5 – Support for the employment of foreign academics – support for inward mobility
KA6 – Support for cooperation and networking
KA7 – Support for the training of students and university teachers involved in the preparation of students – future teachers
KA8 – Support for the prevention of student failure and drop-out – direct work with students
Selection of planned project outputs:
Developed competency framework for teachers of vocational subjects, practical teaching and vocational teacher training
Creation of a 21-hour initial training course
Pilot testing of the Accompanying Teacher Programme
Methodological material for accompanying teachers specified for the area of secondary schools
Establishment of partnerships with other institutions preparing future teachers and with the SUT
Tandem teaching as team teaching for students
Implementation of hospitality placements in order to make teaching of future teachers more effective
Implementation of educational seminars
Establishment of the Association of Departments Educating Future Teachers of Vocational Subjects and Vocational Training
Direct work with students using mentoring, coaching and teambuilding methods