Traditional U3V Olympics in Zvolen

26. 9. 2024

On Tuesday, 10 September 24, for the tenth time, the students from the U3V branch in Bruntál went to the U3V Sports Olympiad in Zvolen in Slovakia, where they had a great sporting success. And how the whole event took place, one of the participants of the Olympics described to us in more detail:

“We were a group of twelve trained U3V students. We trained really hard in air rifle shooting, archery and bowling. We didn’t underestimate the throws and goal kicks for the general Olympian competition. The competitions were held after the roll call and opening ceremony on Wednesday. There was zumba for everyone to warm up. Then air rifle shooting, table tennis and archery. After lunch, the six different sports continued with a general Olympian for all. After dinner we had the evaluation. Besides us -then the Czech Republic- there were teams from Turkey, Lithuania, Romania, Ukraine and Slovakia. We won an unexpected twelve medals in all sports – five gold, three silver and four bronze. On Thursday we had bowling to look forward to. We had a bit of a disadvantage. One team was all younger men and the other was also younger men and women. But we got “on the box”, so at least we got 3rd place. We thank the City of Bruntál and Mendel University in Brno for their moral and financial support.”

Thank you for an amazing representation and congratulations for such a great success!

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